C-box:National Guardsmen opened fire at Kent State.
BallLoc:130, 173; 345, 173; 130, 323; 345, 323
PossibleAns:["1950s", "1960s", "1970s", "1980s"]
A-box or Headline6:N/A
Wrong 1:N/A
Wrong 2:N/A
Wrong 3:N/A
Wrong 4:N/A
Wrong 5:N/A
Wrong 6:N/A
Wrong 7:N/A
Wrong 8:N/A
GeoByte1:Four students were killed during Vietnam antiwar demonstrations at Kent State. This tragedy brought even more supporters to the peace movement.
GeoByte2:In 1970 National Guardsmen opened fire on antiwar demonstrators at Kent State University. Four students were killed.
GeoByte3:During the 1960s and the early 1970s, students often protested against America's involvement in Vietnam.